Curling Returns To The LIR, But Not As We Know It – For The Moment

Dear Curler

Sportscotland has indicated that curling and some other non-contact indoor sports will be
allowed to commence when Scotland enters Phase 3 of the Route Map to Recovery

We sincerely hope therefore that we will be back to curling in September.

As it is, as always, essential that we provide a safe environment for everyone to enjoy their curling,
the following guidance has been drawn up by the Directors and Management which we believe
will satisfy the conditions contained in Scottish Curling’s Return to Curling Guidelines document.

PLEASE NOTE – This guidance may well change between now and September. An updated
version of the following will be sent out shortly before curling commences.

Arrival at the Rink

Curlers will only be allowed entry to the building 10 minutes before their game start time. They
must arrive dressed in their curling attire and will only require to change shoes before taking to the

Changing Rooms

The Curling Changing corridor will operate a one way system.

The usual men’s and ladies changing rooms will be in use. They will be set out as far as possible
to comply with the Social Distancing measures in force at the time. All curlers will change into
curling shoes then take their outdoor shoes and ascend the rear stairs to the Skaters Cafeteria
where outdoor shoes will be left.

Note: Ladies will go through the men’s changing room to access the back stairs.

All players should make their way on to their sheet of ice as soon as possible. A blackboard
indicating sheet allocation will be placed outside the skaters cafeteria.

Note: In the event that the ice is not ready, please congregate in the cafeteria and skating area.


The Game

The current advice is that all players must wear a Face Covering. Any home made covering that
will reduce the spread of cough / sneeze droplets will suffice.

A supply of Surface Detergent / Steriliser, Paper and Bins will be available at both ends of the
sheet. It will be each player’s responsibility to clean / sterilise their own stone handles and brush
shafts before the game begins.

While hand steriliser will be available throughout the building we strongly advise that players bring
a small bottle for use during the game.

One player (2nd) from one team will be responsible for marking the scorecard and one from the
other team the scoreboard. No one else should touch the card or the scoreboard.

Note: All players names must be marked down by the Player in charge of the Scorecard. This is
for possible test and trace purposes.

The person marking the scoreboard will take down the board markers at the end of the game.
Scoreboard markers will be sanitised between games.

No shaking of hands at either the beginning or end of the game.

All sessions will be shortened by 5 minutes with the finishing bell being rung 1 hour 50 minutes
from the start.

Game Rules
Only one sweeper per shot, sweeping between the hog lines. Only the player in charge of the
head may sweep beyond the hog line.

No sweeping of opposition stones behind the tee line.


Exiting the Building

On leaving the ice players will make their way to the skaters cafeteria, change their shoes and exit the building by the Skaters entrance.

It is important that players do not loiter in the skaters cafeteria.


Since it is very unlikely that Squash or Skating will commence in September, the cleaning regime
will concentrate on the curling and curlers changing areas and toilets which will be thoroughly
surface cleaned each morning. In addition surfaces, door handles and face plates etc will be
sterilised by the ice staff between sessions.

Bar and Catering

As things stand at the moment the Bar and Restaurant will not be opening in their normal manner.
More information on both will be available before Curling commences and we are currently waiting for guidelines to be issued.


While the rules and guidelines will probably have changed by the time we are given the go ahead
to resume curling we feel confident that the above measures will form the basis of those in place
in September. We believe that they will allow our members to return to Curling with confidence
that their health, and that of our staff, will not be compromised while continuing to have fun and
enjoy the game.

Jim Raeburn, Chairman